EUMARA Research & Consulting

Reasons that speak for us ...

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EUMARA AG is an internationally engaged market research and consulting company with over 20 years of expertise in the healthcare, finance, IT and service industries.

Thanks to its many years of experience in carrying out national and international studies, EUMARA can draw on extensive databases with benchmarks, indices and scores for every central key performance indicator in marketing and sales.

Our many years of experience will also help your company take the decisive steps in an ever tighter competitive environment. EUMARA: Be one step ahead!

... get in touch! We are looking forward to your challenge.



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Our key philosophy: Be one step ahead!

If you want to succeed, you need to be that decisive step ahead of your competitors. EUMARA supports you in this race.
Because we want you to reach the finish line as the winner.

Based on our extensive data bases, we can provide you with benchmarks for every key performance indicator. As a result, the findings of your individual study will always be mapped in the market environment that is relevant to you. This is the only way to render adequate measures identifiable for your company.


Tools: The Optimal Tool for Every Task



EUMARA draws on the entire range of methods available in market research.

Both qualitative processes and quantitative surveys will be used, depending on the issue.

Our approach always embraces a joint evaluation of presented problems. Only the task definition arising from this for your company will decide on the methodical approach. Methodology is not in the foreground with EUMARA – instead, your individual task formulation will decide on the study design.

A tailor-made suit for your task definition according to our maxim: "As individual as possible and as standardized as necessary".


Industries / Markets

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Over 20 years of success in carrying out national and international studies for the

· Healthcare industry (prescription drugs, OTC, dental, medical technology)

· Service industry (financial service providers, insurance companies, telecommunication)

· Consumer goods industries


Own Studies

EUMARA regularly performs multi-client studies about specific topics.

See the "Archive" section for brief information about selected studies.

Simply ask us if a multi-client study is currently in planning for a topic that is of particular interest to you.

Your consultant: Vera Schenk, 0681 - 79 30 330,





Münster location (Headquarter)

Kreuzbach 326
48167 Münster

Tel.:  +49 - (0)25 06 – 3 00 60 -0
Fax:  +49 - (0)25 06 – 3 00 60 -55


Management board:
Dipl.-Kfm. Peter Herzog
Dipl.-Ing., M.Sc. Dirk Laumann

Dipl.-Volksw. Thomas Stuhldreier