EUMARA ConceptLab

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EUMARA ConceptLab

Boost the efficiency of your field service by reviewing and optimizing the story flow and documents used in it.

Market research-supported creative workshop with all the players: marketing decision-makers, sales personnel, advertising agency and most of all the target group.

Our ConceptLab will show you at which point of the argumentation chain your target group could be prone to misunderstandings, and what the "winning points" are in real sales and field service dialogues.

Questions which the EUMARA ConceptLab will answer for you:

· What is the ideal entry point for the sales and/or field service dialogue? How do I start it?
· What do the ideal story flow and argumentation chain look like? Does the story flow need to be adjusted
  to the individual customer/target group segments, and how if it does?

· Which rational and emotional anchors of my dialogue concept (concept alternatives) will help me successfully
  position my product in the launch phase?

· Which dialogue concept will help me successfully position my product/brand?
· Why is our argumentation chain not working in the target group and/or specific target group segments?
· Is the wording tailored to the language of the target group?
· Which pictures, charts or diagrams will help me buttress my argumentation and dialogue concept?
· How should the support materials (folder, tablet PC or similar) be structured and designed?

USPs of EUMARA ConceptLab:

· takes the form of a creative workshop
· Continuous refinement of the story flow by an iterative approach
· Saves time in internal coordinations, and ensures high acceptance thanks to the involvement of all the players, including the target group

Simply call or mail us at +49 - (0)6 81 - 7 93 03 - 30 oder