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Besides the classic media such as all forms of print advertising, TV/radio spots and
mailings, the tested objects naturally also include websites, e-detailing platforms,
tablet PCs and all electronic advertising materials..

Questions which AdQuest will answer for you:

· What is the effect of my advertising?
· Is the advertising material supporting my positioning?
· Does the claim suit the brand?
· Do the visuals suit the brand?
· Does the look of the advertising go with the company?
· How is the advertising affecting the decision?
· How is my advertising doing in the competitive environment?
· If there are several alternatives: Which alternative has the greatest chances of success?
· Which optimization reserves can be activated besides this?

USPs of EUMARA AdQuest:

· AdTuning®: Globally unique service of a market research institute.
  Visual rendition of optimization suggestions in the form of alternative ad layouts.

· IOPD (Influence on Purchase Decision) index: Index for the impact of the advertising on the target group's readiness to act.
  bzw. Maß für die Aktionsbereitschaft der Zielgruppe.

· Extensive data bases from over 20 years of testing advertising
· Specific benchmarks (industries, markets, various target groups, countries)
· Integrated eye tracking

Simply call or mail us at +49 - (0)6 81 - 7 93 03 - 30 oder